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Ryan​ Anthony​ Bulis
UCSB Lecturer Assignments
Winter 2015
Art 19: Intro to Photography
Fall 2014
Art 19: Intro to Photography
Art 12: Intro to Spatial Practice
Spring 2014
Art CS 112: Play Thing
Photography, Propt, Costume, Set
Winter 2014
Art 19: Intro to Photography
CS Art 125: Collective Efforts
Sculpture, Collaboration, Public Art
Fall 2013
Art 19: Intro to Photography
CS Art 125: Material Knowledge
Sculpture from a material perspective
(*TA for lecture and led a lab section)​
UCSB TA Assignments
​​​Winter 2013
Art 19: Intro to Photography *
w/ Richard Ross
7C: Intro to Spacial Studies *
w/ Kim Yusuda
Fall 2012
Art 12: Intro to Spatial Practice
w/ Graham Budget
7B: Intro to Image Making *
w/ Laurel Beckmen
Summer 2012
​ Session A​
​ Begging Drawing
w/ Gary Brown
Session B
Art Since 1945
w/ Stephanie Washburn
​Spring 2012
Art 19: Intro to Photography *
​ w/ Richard Ross
​Winter 2012
7C: Intro to Spatial Studies *
w/ Jane Mulfinger
​​Fall 2011
Art 19: Intro to Photography​ *
w/ Patrick Mulroy
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